Services 05

Modern-day Caring Technologies for Your Dental Health
SmilePure always places patients at the center of our attention, and concentrate on improving their experience with the aid of technologies.
We check for your current dental situation and decide treatment
Our specialists will take care of your smile with dedication
We run periodic check-ups to ensure your teeth are good
Even on weekends & holidays, our staff still work at your services
Our Services
Services at Our Clinic
Our clinic offers all kinds of services and constantly study new technology to add new custom services to the list

What does teeth whitening do?
The practice involves swishing oil around in your mouth to remove bacteria, which can turn into plaque and cause your teeth to look yellow.
Oil Pulling
Baking Soda
Hydrogen Peroxide
Apple Cider Vinegar

What does cosmetic dentistry do?
Cosmetic dentistry mainly concerns improving the appearance of your teeth, including whitening & cleaning.
No-prep veneers

What does pediatric dentistry do?
Pediatric dentists are responsible for taking care of your children. Many children require treatment by an orthodontist, a doctor specially trained in braces.

What does preventive dentistry do?
Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more.
Enamel Loss

What do dental crowns do?
The crown restores the tooth to its normal shape, size, and function. A crown can make the tooth stronger or improve the way it looks.
Cracked teeth
Worn-down teeth
Canal treatment
Badly Shaped Teeth
Don’t skip your regular check-up for teeth. Book an appointment!
Our Approach
The Procedure for a Check-up at SmilePure
01. Book an Appointment
Filling the form for an appointment to have our specialists evaluate your overall health and oral hygiene.
02. Conduct Oral Checkup
Your assigned doctor will give a thorough check on your teeth, gum, tongue & throat to find potential risks.
03. Perform Oral Treatment
In case of decayed, badly shaped, or worn-down teeth, the specialist will perform needed to restore your smile.
04. Prescribe & Payment
If you need to take medicine at home to restore your dental health or prevent infection, your doctor will prescribe.
Get answers here
01. How much time will I need to schedule for my dental work?
The timing for dental treatments varies. Tooth whitening, for example, can be done in an hour. Implants may require 1 week and potential follow-up procedures.
02. Will I really save a lot of money with dental work done in New York?
If you are already here then yes, you would. How much depends on the amount of treatment that you require.
03. How can I be sure that your dentists and hygiene staff are highly trained and competent?
We are committed to keeping up to date with the latest techniques and materials in dentistry. Our staff is highly trained in all aspects of dental care.
04. Can I feel confident about your hygiene services?
Dental hygienists do not exist in every country but are part of the growing trend in dentistry around the world because of their specialized services.
05. How about the training of your dentists?
Our dentists are accredited with our internal program which assesses communication and competency in various areas in dentistry.
Ask your question
We’d love to keep in contact with you.
Cómo será tu primera visita
El procedimiento para un chequeo en Quintana Dental
Sigue el procedimiento para que tu boca y tu salud bucal sean revisadas minuciosamente por nuestro equipo.

01. Solicita tu cita
Llámanos o solicita tu cita online o vía Whatsapp. Planifica suficiente tiempo libre para sentirte menos apurado por volver a la rutina.

02. Llegada a la clínica
Te pediremos que completes un breve cuestionario sobre tu salud bucal, así como un historial médico completo para obtener una imagen completa de ti y tu salud.

03. Examen oral
Durante el examen bucal, buscaremos signos de caries, gingivitis y periodontitis (enfermedad de las encías).

04. Tratamiento
Te recomendaremos un tratamiento personalizado basado en tus expectativas y, sobre todo, en lo mejor para tu salud bucal.
Nuestros artículos y consejos
Desde aquí te daremos consejos para cuidar de tu salud y estética dental.
Tecnología Invisalign en el tratamiento de transformación de tu sonrisa
25 de marzo de 2024
Relación entre las alergias estacionales y la salud bucodental
21 de marzo de 2024
¿Cuándo es necesaria la extracción de las muelas de juicio?
18 de marzo de 2024
¡Estamos deseando conocerte! ¿vienes?
Otros tratamientos de Quintana Dental
Solicita tu cita
Haznos saber su problema, solicita una cita y recibe la mejor atención de un equipo especialistas en todas las ramas de la odontología.
Si lo prefieres, llámanos
946 88 50 03
Estamos a tu entera disposición: Lunes martes y jueves de 9 a 13:30 y de 16 a 20h,
miércoles y viernes de 9 a 15h.
miércoles y viernes de 9 a 15h.